Monday, October 25, 2010


Jacqueline was baptized on October 17th

new good things

Short post here, just to keep this thing alive.

We had a nice weekend traveling to VA to visit with friends and family, this was Jackie's first big trip, and she behaved quite well for a little baby. We were able to eat out in a few restaurants, she slept most of the way in the car, and aside from some uncharacteristic late night demonic possession, she was the perfect happy baby.

Today, she weighted in at 11 lbs, 7 oz, which I'm told is quite healthy, she had her first two immunizations and did OK with the shot.

Some other new good things are happening too, which hopefully I will be at liberty to speak of in the distant (but not too distant future)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I learned a new term during my lunch break...


Jackie seems to go into overdrive fussing mode lately between 8:30 PM and 1 or 1:30 AM where she is constantly craving attention, and comfort. The past few days, it seems like she nurses almost that entire time, every time we put her down for a second she starts spooling up for a good cry.

We're happy to give her the attention, but it's good to know this is a common thing, I guess. I think we may have thrown her out of routine with our busy weekend, hopefully just a phase.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Still here

We’ve been distracted by Jackie’s cuteness the last couple of weeks, so I’ve been unable to post anything recently.  I promise some more substantive posts pretty soon for anyone who is interested. Started now perhaps…as my brain gets moving in the morning at the office (don’t tell my boss) 

It’s certainly been a busy few weeks, Jacqueline had another pediatrician visit last week, and she’s starting to gain some more weight. She was just over 9.5 lbs last Tuesday, and the other day we started using the “1” sized diapers, which I guess can be viewed as some sort of milestone. #1 for #2’s!

We had a nice visit over to the parish office to meet with the Pastor and set up the Christening date. We set the date for the 17th of October, at our Church Christ the King Parish in Manville, NJ. It will occur right after the 10:30 mass, so probably around 11:45 or so, and we’re scrambling for a place to host a reception afterwards, because out little house isn’t big enough to accommodate all the relatives and friends that we hope will join us. 

Jacqueline got to visit over the weekend with all the ladies over the weekend at the Gillespie’s baby shower, and spent the whole day snoozing in her stroller in the great outdoors, the weather was perfect so we glad to get her out of the house for a nice good amount of time. Meanwhile Dad and all the other men that were choking on the estrogen, were able to escape back to the Trynosky house for a little BBQ and some ice cold Marzen style beer in honor of Oktoberfest.  She also got a quick visit from Aunt Elizabeth, who was in town for a friend’s wedding; Elizabeth is making a habit of spoiling her with nice gifts every time she comes. 

This past Sunday, she got to spend the whole day with Grandma Walsh and her Aunt Lauren, who is turning out to be an expert baby handler and taught me how to set up the pack and play. She got her first visit with Alison’s Aunt Doreen, and got to see Great-Grandma Atlak again. 

Jackie got a little time with my parents, and then we headed home.
6 weeks ago Alison was headed into the OR for the delivery, can’t believe how fast these past few weeks have gone!

Alison and I are looking forward to our one year anniversary on Saturday, It’s been an eventful year for sure, a very very good year.